Why Flintoclass is the best preschool for your child

As we all know a preschool is a stepping stone to not only the academic life of a child but…

Communication skills: 15 effective activities for your kids [5 Must-try tips]

In a vastly digital world, as we navigate through a school year with online or offline classes, how often have…

21 age-appropriate household chores for kids [Must-read]

We parents would love some help around the house, wouldn't we? How about asking the little helper at home? Yes,…

Back to school: 9 simple ways to prepare your preschoolers

As the schools and preschools slowly open their doors, we as parents have a mixed bag of emotions, questions, and…

Physical activity for your child: 10 Must-Try Exercises and why you need it

One of the things that the pandemic ushered in is the space to be physically active. Is your child physically…

9 Sure-Fire Ways To Handle A Stubborn Child [Expert Tips]

It will come as no surprise to parents that one of the most common problems of parenting that we all…

Single Parenting During The Pandemic: Positive Tips For Raising Kids Alone

It is not a secret that parents are struggling right now with the recent pandemic.  It has been tough and…

4 reasons why nursery classes are important for kids [Must-read]

In a recent discussion with other parents, nursery classes were a focus! "What exactly is nursery education?" "When should I…

5 Reasons Why Parents Are Choosing Flintoclass For Their Preschoolers

When the pandemic struck in 2020 and most preschools either closed down or turned completely digital, Flinto introduced Flintoclass@HOME --…

Flintoclass@HOME VS Other Preschool Programs – What You Need To Know

Are you searching for a safe and hands-on preschool program for your child? Looking for high-quality learning tools that will…



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