
Vijay is the dad of a 7-year old and the key catalyst behind the idea of Flintobox. His passion for early learning and technology background provides Flinto the edge that makes it fun and educational for children. He is a technology graduate from Madras Institute of Technology, India. A foodie, who loves to spend tea time talking about various restaurants around town, he is always available for a quick fix.

Google and Amazon – The Sharks That Are Stealing Nemo’s Food #WakeUpAmazon

Are you an entrepreneur, investor or employee working in a company that does business ethically? If that’s a ‘yes’, then…

7 Handy Things To Carry While Travelling With Kids

Travelling with kids can either be the most enriching and wonderful experience or a complete nightmare (if you haven't planned…

Make Your Child Eat Healthy In 10 Ways

Only if every child in the world eats food without a fuss, every parent's job would be easier. It's a wish. In…

Interesting Breakfast Ideas For Kids

A question that plagues every parent–What breakfast can I serve my child, which is healthy, tasty and quick to prepare?" Most children…



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