10 Quick And Proven Techniques To Boost Your Child’s Memory

In today’s technologically advancing world, children are finding it more and more hard to focus and retain thoughts. Wouldn’t you agree?

It’s not called the age of distraction for no reason!

Having said that, however, there are a lot of interesting memory hacks that can help you boost your child’s memory. From memory-boosting foods to fun games and exercises, we’ve put together 10 proven hacks that you can try at home starting today!

And the best part is, they’re absolutely simple!

These brain teasers and exercises help alter the child’s brain structure and enhance retention. In fact, research also shows that such brain exercises enhance a child’s mathematical capacities!

RELATED: 13 mind-blowing tips to increase concentration in kids

So let us dive right in and look at some such simple memory hacks:

1. Build A Memory Palace

This is not a trick only for children. A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images.

Mnemonic refers to a system of patterns or images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building, say your home or school.

Along that journey, there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order. You can teach your child to remember a history lesson or a story in that manner.

2. Set A Schedule And Establish Routines

establish proper routineYoung children thrive on them, and they make perfect method for enhancing your child’s memory.

If your 3-year-old knows that she gets to read a book every night before going to sleep, then automatically post-dinner, she will start looking for the book.

As she grows older, you can enhance the language-memory link by asking “What happens before you sleep?” “Do you wish to read another book today?” You could also ask your child to set up his or her timetable and plan the daily routine, with your inputs.

3. We Do, I Do And Then You Do

Babies and young children model their parents’ actions. If you want your child to learn how to do something new, such as setting a dinner table or arranging the magazine rack – Do it first, then ask your child to help and finally ask your child to do it on his or her own.

The repetition will help enhance your child’s working memory and retention. Doing, rather than simply observing, helps your child store information more solidly. Be sure to repeat the action on different occasions and at different times, too.

4. Hone Concentration With Music

Music One of the key indicators of our acumen and intellectual abilities is our memory.

A calming and proven way of enhancing a child’s memory is through, music.

Music has the power to help us focus and can actually manipulate our mind and help us create and retain more full-bodied memories.

There are multiple ways of using music to help your child learn something new – calm instrumental music in the background will help them focus, mnemonics and rhymes will help them retain and recall, and most importantly, learning an instrument or music form will help them hone their concentration, retention, and confidence.

5. Positive Reinforcement

As we all know, humans love to be appreciated for their good work, and children are no exception to this rule. They like being appreciated and it helps them retain that task better in their memory.

Positive reinforcement is the process of encouraging or establishing a pattern of behaviour by offering rewards in kind or by using encouraging words when the behaviour is exhibited.

This could involve simple tasks like making the bed, arranging the shoe rack or feeding the pet at the right time.

Remember, a bit of appreciation will help your child retain that good memory and he or she will recall that pattern in the future.

6. Retain Information With Screen-free Games

Board and Card GamesResearch has shown that memory games for kids are as important for growing brains as crossword puzzles are for aging ones.

And this definitely is the way to go if you want your child away from a screen!

A child’s brain is constantly absorbing new information and at times this could get overwhelming. Knowing how to retain the right amount of information is an art and such memory tricks and games help in the process.

Here are some really fun, really challenging and really interesting screen-free memory games for the kinesthetic learners:

  • Pengoloo
  • Coin Match
  • Card Match (Could be with numbers, animals or shapes depending on the age)
  • Storyboard creation and Sequence
  • Sound Chain or Chinese Whispers
  • Simon Says
  • Tongue Twisters

PRO TIP: You can also try an activity box like Flintobox. Flintobox is designed with creative and hands-on activities to engage children without smartphones and TV. The boxes are packed with highly educational and interesting games, puzzles and books to teach kids concepts over a period of time. For more info on Flintobox activities, click here >

7. Use Personal Examples

Children must care enough about the story or piece of information and must consider it personally important, for it to go through the brain filters and be stored as memory.

Use your child’s interests to connect her to the material. Make stories together using the information. Stories are a proven way to help your child’s memory grow exponentially and the pattern will help him or her recall information in a jiffy.

Connect a lesson or a rhyme to an event that has occurred in your child’s life and question them about the lesson in multiple ways.

8. Improve Brain Function With Super Foods

Balanced DietThe right kind of food in appropriate amounts can do wonders to our bodies.

A balanced diet is vital and can help improve a child’s brain function, memory and focus.

Here are some super foods that can help boost your child’s memory:

  • Fatty fish, especially Salmon
  • Protein-Filled Eggs, with the Yolk
  • Vitamin E rich Peanut Butter
  • Whole grains like Breads and Cereal
  • Brain and Energy fuel – Oatmeal
  • Antioxidant-rich Fruits and Berries
  • Milk and Yoghurt
  • Colourful and Fresh Vegetables

9. Repeat And Practice

A specific part of our brain stores information both old and new. Repeating and reviewing material using multiple sensory activities is necessary so different part of the brain function together and the right information is recalled at the appropriate time.

Your children’s brain builds unique and multiple pathways leading to the memory that has been stored. This makes memory-retrieval easy and efficient.

It is almost like exercising a muscle. Constantly practising or recalling a particular memory will help us make it stronger and will make the act much more effortless.

10. Make Stories Out Of Experiences

Focus on events that resonated strongly with him or her, such as an annual day function at school or a trip to the planetarium.

As they get a little older, help them weave stories out of such recollections. Your child’s memories will be richer and they will give attention to detail.

They will learn how to relay them in a clear and concise form. Constant conversations and questions about events in the past are a great way of boosting your child’s memory.

With all this said, we must add that every child learns differently. It is important to teach a child in a way that he or she is willing to learn. Using visual aids, music and kinesthetic activities will help a child retain and recall information easily.

So ensure that your child is learning or grasping information in a healthy manner and eating and sleeping well. Only a good combination of this will ensure a happy and robust memory.


  1. Madhumala

    good information medha it is really needed by all mothers to keep their children active in holidays

  2. Semeena

    Can I get the fintebox only for one month

    1. Gayathri G

      Hi, Thank you for reaching out. Flintobox is a continuous learning program that helps in the overall development of the child. As children interact and play with these activities, they require a period of time to adapt and involve themselves in the same. This could take at least a few months for the child to completely reap all the benefits of the activities inside Flintobox. Hence we suggest you consider one of our monthly subscriptions.
      Please visit https://flintobox.com/ and select your child’s age group for more details. For any query/help, call us anytime between 9:30 am and 6:30 pm at 044 – 40100400 or message us your contact number and we will get in touch with you.

  3. Anbarasi

    Very useful….tku

  4. jonalyn nalangan

    thank you .. i have learn
    to teach my child

  5. Deepika Patel

    It’s very interesting

  6. tasneem

    my son enjoyed d box so much that within 2days all activities are done den I hav to wait for the worksheets n other videos…

  7. Deependra Singh

    Thank you guys for working hard on it, flinto activites are good , fun and learn at same time….
    Good job keep it up


    I love you flintobox because you give fun and learning activities

    1. Gayathri G

      Thank you so much, Medha 🙂

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