
Why Flintoclass is the best preschool for your child

As we all know a preschool is a stepping stone to not only the academic life of a child but…

Back to school: 9 simple ways to prepare your preschoolers

As the schools and preschools slowly open their doors, we as parents have a mixed bag of emotions, questions, and…

Flintoclass@HOME VS Other Preschool Programs – What You Need To Know

Are you searching for a safe and hands-on preschool program for your child? Looking for high-quality learning tools that will…

How to select the best curriculum for your preschooler

Not all preschools follow the same curriculum for teaching!As a parent, you must keep hearing about different kinds of preschool…

Which preschool style suits your child: traditional or child-centred?

When you plan to enrol your child in a preschool, what is that you look for? "How is this preschool…

10 Tips To Select The Perfect Preschool For Your Child

On a search for the 'perfect preschool', Sarrah, a homemaker, changed three preschools before she settled on one for her…



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